At NLC, you will be provided with the training and education to:


  • Proceed to further education at the college or university level,
  • Enter a specialized area of the workforce,
  • Step directly into one of 15 different trades and apprenticeships,
  • Upgrade your skills or course credits, or
  • Begin a career in the helping or teaching professions.

Programs and Courses

Our programs are designed to provide you with the opportunity to obtain the necessary classroom education, and supplement that with appropriate practicum or hands-on opportunities to make the successful transition from student to employee.

NLC has videoconference facilities available on all campuses. Videoconferencing is utilized for a number of courses in different program areas. Some program areas are offered via online instruction.

As well, NLC has partnership agreements with several B.C. universities. These agreements allow for the direct transfer of credits earned at NLC towards degree programs and other programming.
